Not every day is a day at the beach but we strive to offer a rewarding and challenging Summer Associate Program. Each summer associate has the opportunity to become familiar with what law firm life is like and experience what attorneys do at top tier law firms. Our size enables summer associates to work primarily with partners and partake in real client work.

We strive to ensure that each Nossaman summer associate receives varied and meaningful exposure to the different areas of our legal practice. Assignment coordinators allocate work, taking into account summer associates' areas of interest. 

When possible, summer associates attend client meetings, depositions, court hearings, negotiation sessions and corporate closings. We provide our summer associates with training through seminars, presentations and professional development programs. Social events held at local venues and at partners' homes provide summer associates a feel for the community and help them get to know us in an informal setting.

Feedback is essential to an associate's professional growth. Supervising attorneys are encouraged to provide each summer associate with constructive criticism and support on an ongoing basis so that each person understands what is expected and benefits from his or her experience at Nossaman.

Summer associate opportunities are posted on this page typically in late summer, or as needs are determined.

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