Nossaman Infrastructure Partner Geoffrey Yarema Testifies before Environment and Public Works Subcommittee

Environment and Public Works Subcommittee

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Geoffrey Yarema, a Partner and Founder of Nossaman's Infrastructure Practice Group, provided testimony in a hearing before the Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Additional panelists included Eric Garcetti (Mayor, City of Los Angeles, Chair of U.S. Conference of Mayors Infrastructure Task Force); Tim J. Gatz (Executive Director, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority); Kevin DeGood (Director of Infrastructure Policy, Center for American Progress); and Aubrey L. Layne Jr. (Secretary of Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia).

The hearing – titled "Leveraging Federal Funding; Innovative Solutions for Infrastructure" – was designed for Senators to examine the need for more public sector funding and private sector financing in the Federal Highway Program. 

The timing of this hearing could not be more appropriate, as earlier in the week, USDOT Secretary Elaine Chao announced at a US Chamber of Commerce event that President Trump will unveil details on the Administration's $1 trillion infrastructure proposal in the next several weeks, which will kick off the Administration's collaboration with Congress on this topic. According to Secretary Chao, the Administration's proposal will contain $200 billion in taxpayer dollars to leverage $1 trillion worth of overall investment through public private partnerships.

A link to the archived webcast of the hearing is here.

A PDF of Mr. Yarema’s testimony is here.

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