Measure A Wins by Narrow Margin
Nossaman Senior Policy Advisor Richard Harris, who also serves as president of the Davis Board of Education, was widely quoted in the media about the passage of Measure A by Davis, Calif., voters in a mail-only election on May 3. The measure authorizes an emergency $200-per-year parcel tax that will generate more than $3 million annually to replace reductions in state funding to the school district. The tax will be in place for two years.
"I looked at the list of the employees that would have been laid off if Measure A had not passed — it would have been on the agenda for Thursday's school board meeting," Mr. Harris told the Davis Enterprise in the article "Measure A Wins by Narrow Margin." "And I knew these people — some of them have taught my children. I was having a really hard time thinking that if Measure A failed, I was going to have to be part of letting these people go. But that tragedy has been averted. I'm just grateful that we live here, and people value education so much."
He continued: "The two-thirds requirement is an incredible bar to go over. And in today's economy, to see that Davis voters were willing to support education at this level is just amazing."
Mr. Harris was also interviewed by the Sacramento Bee for the article "Davis Approves Another School Levy." "Davis voters showed that even in the toughest economy, they value education," he said.
"[Tuesday's] results make me very confident that they will approve the renewal (tax extension) to maintain our comprehensive programs while we tread water waiting for the state to get its act together and fund its basic obligations," he continued, referencing two additional measures that come up for renewal next year.
Prior to the ballots being counted, Mr. Harris appeared in a segment on Sacramento's FOX40 News on April 29, discussing the benefits of passing Measure A. The interview can be viewed in full here.