Nossaman's Infrastructure Group Profiled as a "Construction Practice Group of the Year"


Nossaman’s Infrastructure Group was once again profiled by Law360 after being named a “Construction Group of the Year(subscription required) for 2024. The group was previously named “Practice Group of the Year” numerous times in both the transportation and project finance categories. For 2024, Law360 highlighted the group’s recent efforts on projects including “the $4.9 billion automated people mover system at the Los Angeles International Airport and the $600 million modernization of Interstate 75 in Michigan.”

Discussing what makes Nossaman’s 33-attorney infrastructure team successful, Infrastructure Group Chair Elizabeth Cousins said the firm’s “deep commitment to infrastructure work” and the group’s “reputation for innovation throughout its history” have served it well. She noted several first-of-its-kind projects the group has worked on, including “the first procurement under California's P3 law, developing the nation's first availability payment contract, and negotiating the first toll concession agreement in Texas history and the world's first fully automated toll road using electronic transponders to collect tolls.” She added, “These attributes, coupled with always delivering optimal results for our clients by planning, procuring and financing some of the leading transportation, public building, water and wastewater projects across the U.S., helps us stay at the forefront of the practice area.”

Commenting on his work on the Automatic People Mover (APM) project at Los Angeles International Airport, Brandon Davis said, “The project is the first public-private partnership Los Angeles has agreed to that involves availability payments, which ties the city's payment obligations to certain project outcomes. The airport’s landside program includes two public-private partnerships — one for the automated people mover train system, and another for a consolidated rental car facility that is the biggest facility of its type in the world.” He added, “Los Angeles procurement regulations weren't a good match for all aspects of the project, so Nossaman worked with the city to find which regulations needed to be changed via ordinance before it could get started.”

Discussing local reaction to the work, Brandon said surrounding “communities reacted positively to news about the project.” He continued by saying, “The community is very aware of the traffic issues coming in and out of the airport and welcomed the potential of this project alleviating traffic…around LAX.”

Elizabeth Cousins talked about her efforts on the Michigan Department of Transportation I-75 Modernization project, which included the “reconstruction and widening of a flood-prone part of I-75.” She said that Nossaman “worked with the state's Department of Transportation, beginning in 2018, and helped get things done significantly ahead of schedule.” She added that the project team “came up with an alternative solution that involved the work being done in three construction segments instead of eight” that helped streamline the delivery process.

Law360 writes that this solution led to the project “being completed in 2024, nearly a decade early.” This allowed “Michigan to reallocate parts of its budget for other projects and save millions of dollars” and meant that “motorists and local residents did not have to endure construction for as long.”

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