Consumer Warranty Law in Calfornia Under the Commercial Code, The Song-Beverly and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Acts

26 UCLA Law Review 583-681

Imagine, if you will, the typical caveman. He decides to try out his newly purchased hunting club on an unsuspecting prehistoric beast. Unfortunately, the club does not perform quite the way the bludgeon salesman said it would and the caveman goes without supper. While removing the splinters from his person, he notices one with the words "Not for Hunting" finely engraved at the edge. The caveman is not amused. He thinks there ought to be a law... 

In 1969 Professor Addison Mueller described the attempts of the average consumer to get his newly purchased automobile, TV, or dishwasher fixed when it simply stops working properly, as opposed to blowing up or injuring him, as a "time-consuming and maddening experience." Probably less in response to trenchant criticisms from the academic community than to the public pressure of what has come to be known as the "Consumer Protection Movement," the federal and state legislatures have enacted a wide variety of consumer protection statutes, many of them attempting to reform consumer warranty law.

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