
Michael Gawley is chair of Nossaman's Healthcare Group. He specializes in advising health systems, hospitals, medical staffs and large medical groups on a wide range of credentialing, peer review and patient safety topics. Michael develops pragmatic solutions for complicated challenges.

He regularly advises medical staffs on governance issues, investigations and corrective action plans. He also represents peer review bodies in formal hearings involving credentialing and peer review actions. Michael has served as lead counsel in numerous medical staff hearings and related litigation matters, appearing in federal and state court and in arbitration. He also provides guidance on reporting obligations, accreditation standards, regulatory requirements, policy development and bylaws revisions.

He serves as an Administrative Law Judge in regulatory hearings and has completed the California Society for Healthcare Attorneys’ Hearing Officer Training Program.

Michael also makes presentations on legal issues to medical staffs, hospital leadership groups and various trade associations.


Speaking Engagements

  • Key Legal Developments for Medical Groups: 2021 and Beyond
    California Medical Group Management Association Annual Conference
  • The ABCs of AB 5: Classifying Healthcare Workers in California’s Gig Economy
    California Medical Association Member Webinar
  • Unresolved Issues in Section 1278.5 Whistleblower Retaliation Claims
    California Society for Healthcare Attorneys Annual Meeting & Spring Seminar


Community & Professional

American Health Law Association, Member

National Association of Medical Staff Services, Member

California Association of Medical Staff Services, Member

California Society for Healthcare Attorneys, Member


Honors & Recognitions

Selected to the Northern California Rising Stars list, Healthcare, 2016-2023




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