Paul Weiland Comments on Possibility of Offshore Wind Moratorium

Recharge News

Paul Weiland spoke with Recharge News (subscription required) about New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s claims he has written a memorandum for the Trump administration calling for a six-month moratorium on offshore wind projects. The administration has not offered comment on this, and it is being treated with skepticism by industry sources. If such a move does come to pass, it would have a decided impact on the industry.

Discussing the possible move, Paul said, “[It] would not necessarily impact projects already under construction.” He added, “If a project has already secured the necessary permits and is under construction, there are limits to what the President can accomplish by Executive Order to stop the project.”

Paul continued by noting, “There are procedures in place for revoking the permit for an ongoing project, and if the government sought to halt a project in the midst of construction, the project proponent likely would explore various means to preclude the government from doing so by pursuing declaratory, injunctive or monetary relief.”

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