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Each member of our federal public policy team has a background in either or both Congress and the executive branch and maintains extensive contacts with Members of Congress and senior staff.  We have the ability to access virtually every congressional office on both sides of the aisle and in both houses to work with key staff in all Congressional Committees and the Senate and House Leadership.

Nossaman's presence in California enhances our relationships with the California Congressional delegation.  In Washington, DC, we reinforce our relationships with Congress through strategic political activity, including individual and Nossaman PAC sponsored fundraising and serving on steering committees for candidates, political parties, and other Congressional groups.  We complement our Congressional contacts with excellent working relationships with key regulatory agencies and Executive Departments.

Our federal public policy advisors' services rise beyond advocacy, as each advisor has substantive experience and knowledge in their respective subject areas.  We have helped draft key legislation, provided expert testimony to Congress, published books, and successfully advised our clients on the compliance and legal issues associated with their policy interests.

The federal public policy team works together in Washington and with colleagues in Sacramento, drawing upon our collective skills and experience, as necessary, to ensure that clients' issues are not only heard, but favorably addressed.



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